Foam, water, powder, wet chemical, co2 fire extinguishers

How to choose the Right Fire Extinguisher (2023)

Have you ever wondered why the red cylinder is locked behind the glass case? Usually, we have seen it in most of the multi-stored buildings, sometimes in vehicles as well. Kids are not supposed to go near it. What is that cylinder? Why is it locked? Well, that is the fire extinguisher. We, the common people still don’t know how to operate and use fire extinguishers properly. It is a sad fact. Fire extinguishers play crucial roles in preventing fires in workplaces. Fire extinguishers are helpful to put out fires. It is necessary to place Fire extinguishers in individual work areas and ensure workers know how to operate them. 

As per the reports by fire safety industries, about 80% of workplace fires have been put out using portable fire extinguishers. Using fire extinguishers, millions of lives are saved every year. But very few employees are aware of operating fire extinguishers. This has to be changed as soon as possible.

Fire can happen anywhere in so many different ways. It can even happen unexpectedly at workplaces. There are so many issues that often result in causing unmanaged fires. These issues are very common. Do you know that even a carelessly discarded cigarette or faulty electrics can cause an explosion? There are other issues like overloaded plug sockets and improper storage of combustible materials. We need to identify and carefully remove these obstacles from our domestic or commercial environment. That is the first step to do.

The most effective way to prevent fire is to make sure you have a fire extinguisher in your workplace. It is important to do research when choosing a fire extinguisher for your building, rather than just choosing the most expensive.

  • Water : Red – Ideal for fires involving solid materials such as wood, paper, textiles, etc. It should not be used with liquid fires such as oils and fats, electrical fires, and fires involving flammable gases.
  • Foam :  White – Cream Good for extinguishing solid materials and fires involving liquids but foam conducts electricity so it shouldn’t be used on electrical fires or fires involving flammable gases.
  • Carbon Dioxide :  Black – Good for fires involving liquids because it has a rapid smothering effect and leaves no residue and can also be used on electrical fires and very small fires involving solid materials. Can’t be used on fires involving flammable gases.
  • Dry Powder :  Blue–Multi-purpose versions are good for solid materials, liquid fires, flammable gas fires, and some electrical fires. However, because the powder doesn’t cool the fire in the same way that water does in some cases fires can reignite.
Know the Right Kind of Fire Extinguisher2

Be prepared!

As fire is like an uninvited guest, we should be alert to its attack. Fire safety is vital to sustain any business and keep employees and customers safe. We have already seen that Fire extinguishers are helpful to put out fires, but it is also crucial you have a fire evacuation plan in place. 

The first thing you should do is get to an area marked with a fire exit sign. Once you are in an exit, follow the plan you have made in advance to get everyone out of the building safely. Like fire extinguishers, fire alarms are also unavoidable. So, better install fire alarms at your workplace. As fire is not under our control, everyone needs to be aware of fire safety tips and guidelines. Fire safety lowers the danger of harm and property damage caused by flames. Fire safety measures need to be developed and implemented in the workplace. This is essential for the protection of everyone who may be present in the building during a fire emergency.

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