Emergency response training

When Seconds Count: The Value of Emergency Training

Every year, over 200 people are killed and over one million are injured in workplace accidents. Over two million people suffer from illnesses caused or exacerbated by their jobs.  Hence, preventing workplace accidents and illnesses should be a top priority for everyone. If you own a fire and safety company, you understand the importance of…

15 Great Tips to Prevent Fires at Construction Sites

15 Great Tips to Prevent Fires at Construction Sites

Fire!!! Don’t you get scared out of your wits when you hear this term? It’s quite natural.  Fire is always scary. We use fire for both constructive and destructive purposes. A flame of fire also signifies prosperity. But what will happen when we witness an outbreak of fire? A serious problem, right? Construction sites are…

Fire Prevention, Protection and Equipments

Fire Prevention, Protection and Equipments

Occupational fires can be avoided with regular inspection. Businesses, schools, and hospitals are all concerned about fire safety. Each setting necessitates different safety practices to reduce fire risks, depending on the degree of activity. Fire dangers are caused by a variety of variables, and as a result, there are far too many approaches to applying efficient fire…